Seminar Theatre 5 - Future of Flight
11.00 - 11.30
Gary Cutts
UK Research and InnovationPartnerships for Prosperity – making the leap to BVLOS commercialisation
Whilst there are some really important global applications of BVLOS operations, we are yet to make the leap to widespread commercial application. The remaining challenges are not just technical, regulatory, economic or social desirability but an interdependent combination of all of these. We see the real opportunity as being broad-based partnerships to unlock the full potential of BVLOS and let the industry fly.
11.45 - 12.15
Morten Skov
SkypuzzlerEnabling autonomous drone logistics
Imagine a puzzle in the sky where drones must navigate complex airspace without colliding with other drones or objects when transporting goods or performing tasks. Skypuzzler’s integrated Digital Air Traffic Control (iDATC) enables drones to fly safely and autonomously by providing clear paths and instructions through software-to-software communication without extra equipment to be installed on the drone.
12.30 - 13.00
Paul Williams
Sovereign Autonomous SystemsModel-Based Autopilot Development
This seminar presents an approach for development of a drone autopilot using model-based development. The approach has been applied and flight tested on multiple drones, including aerobatic maneuvers. The seminar will address how development and simulation-based testing is used to show compliance to design objectives. Flight test verification demonstrates the effectiveness of the approach.
13.15 - 13.45
Zack Seymour and David Stone
Frazer-Nash ConsultancyUAS Pilot Competency: A framework for safe and effective operations
When conducting non-routine operations, flying organisations face the challenge of judging whether a pilot has the competence to conduct the operation. Often, we rely on a review of the experience of that pilot, but this leads to a wide margin of subjectivity. Frazer-Nash Consultancy have developed a novel framework for quantifying the competence of UAS pilots to enable safe and effective operations in these scenarios, and are unveiling at DroneX ahead of publishing it for open use.
14.00 - 14.30
David Majoe
InteliportsEnhancing Drone Delivery Through Autonomous Infrastructure.
A discussion on how autonomous infrastructure and enabling technologies can be used to accelerate drone deliveries in the UK, taking examples for completed and on-going initiatives this year including Future Freight and Future Flight Challenges.
11.00 - 11.30
Dr. Andrei Evulet
Jetoptera, Inc.Fluidic Propulsion: A Breakthrough Solution for Advanced Air Mobility
Jetoptera's patented Fluidic Propulsive System employs an air turbocompressor and a pneumatic distribution system feeding a new type of ejectors. The FPS powers a propulsion system with no moving parts outside the fuselage, enabling a range of V/STOL aircraft with matchless speed, power and compactness, safety and silence for logistics, surveillance and EMT applications and it enables High Speed VTOL.
11.45 - 12.15
Rob Gloyns
Solent TransportSolent FTZ - Investigating Drones for Medical Logistics
Solent Transport is delivering £28.8m worth of innovative sustainable transport trials through the Solent Future Transport Zone (FTZ) funded by the Department for Transport. Learn how our Solent FTZ Drones for Medical Logistics Project is researching how drones could be used to make medical logistics more efficient for the NHS, improving health outcomes and the quality of residents’ lives.
12.30 - 13.00
Paul Lewis
Verve Aero LtdHow to make a composite UAV in 30 minutes
Join us for a brief trip into the wonderful world of fixed wing UAV design, composite moulding, how its done and a look at how we inspire the next generation of makers and doers to become involved in the more practical hands on side of the industry. And yes we will make a part ifor a UAV n the 30 minutes of the talk.
13.15 - 13.45
Michele Travierso
AtmosoarDrone Ops vs. Mother Nature: Who Will Win? Safer Flights, Healthier Bottom Lines.
Flying drones face weather dangers that need smart, proactive management. In this engaging seminar, learn to tackle key weather issues swiftly with cutting-edge tools. Keep your team out of hotel rooms and in the field, boosting productivity and your bottom line. For novices, pros, team leaders, and asset owners alike, this session will equip you with the skills to outsmart any weather challenge and keep your drones soaring high!
14.00 - 14.30
James de Beauvoir-Tupper and Edwin Purnell
UK Civil Aviation AuthorityUK SORA and Digitalising Specific Category Operations
CAA update on our progress on introducing UK SORA alongside our online Operational Authorisation (OA) application tool, which aims to deliver SORA OA''s by Q2 2025